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  1. Bibliography
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Legislation and Treaties

  • California Business and Professions Code (United States).
  • Canada Act 1982 (UK) 1982, c 11.
  • Canadian Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.
  • Canadian Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c.46.
  • Computer Fraud and Abuse Act 1986 (United States).
  • Computer Misuse Act 1990 (United Kingdom).
  • Computer Misuse and Cybersecurity Act Ch 50A (Rev Ed 2007) (Singapore).
  • Convention to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 999 UNTS 302 (1967).
  • Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, 22296 UNTS 167 (2001).
  • Criminal Code Act 1995 (Australia).
  • Espionage Act (1917) (United States).
  • German Criminal Code (1914).
  • Information and Electronic Transaction Law (2008) (Indonesia).
  • Model Criminal Code (January 2001) (Australia).
  • Penal Law (1977) (Israel).
  • Stored Communications Act (1986) (United States).
  • Uniform Code of Military (United States).
  • Youth Criminal Justice Act S.C. 2002, c. 1 (Canada).

Case Law

  • 1-800 Contacts v. (2005) 414 F.3d 400.
  • 1-800 Solutions v. Zone Labs.
  • Alberta (Education) v Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (Access Copyright) [2012] 2 SCR 345.
  • Anat Kamm v State of Israel [2012] Case 17959-01-10 (Israel Supreme Court).
  • Auernheimer v. United States of America, No. 13-1816 (United States, Third US Circuit Court of Appeals).
  • Ashdown v Telegraph Group Ltd [2001] EWCA Civ 1142.
  • Australian Broadcasting Corporation v Lenah Game Meats Pty Ltd (2001) 185 ALR 1.
  • Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd. v. WikiLeaks (2008) No. C 08-00824 JSW (February 29, 2008) (US District Court for the Northern District of California); see
  • Cadbury Schweppes v FBI Foods [1999] 1 SCR 142.
  • Campbell v Acuff-Rose Music (1994) 510 U.S. 569.
  • Cassava (CasinoOnNet) v. Sunbelt Software.
  • CCH Canadian Ltd. v Law Society of Upper Canada [2004] 1 SCR.
  • Claria (Gator) v Internet Advertising Bureau.
  • Collier Constructions Pty Ltd v Foskett Pty Ltd (1991) 20 IPR 666.
  • Commonwealth v John Fairfax (1980) 147 CLR 39.
  • Corrs Pavey v Collector of Customs [1987] FCA 26.
  • Dagenais v. Canadian Broadcasting Corp. [1994] 3 S.C.R. 835.
  • E360 Insight and David Linhardt v. The Spamhaus Project (2007) 500 F. 3d 594 (United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit).
  • E360 Insight, LLC et al v. The Spamhaus Project (2006) Case No. 06 C 3958 (United States District Court, Northern District of Illinois, September 13, 2006). Access to default judgment at legal/Kocoras_order_to_Spamhaus.pdf.
  • Edmonton Journal v. Alberta (A.G.) [1989] 2 S.C.R. (Canada).
  • Hyde Park Residence v Yelland, [2001] Ch. 143.
  • IceTV Limited v Nine Network Australia Pty Limited [2009] HCA 14.
  • *IceTV Limited v Nine Network Australia Pty Limited *[2008] HCATrans 358.
  • Imutran Ltd v Uncages Campaigns Ltd, [2001] CP Rep. 28.
  • In re § 2703(d) Order (2013) No. 11-5151 (US Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit) (January 25 2013). See also Justia US Law,* In re 2703(d) Application, No. 11-5151* (Fourth Cir. 2013), available at ca4/11-5151/11-5151-2013-01-25.html. Legal documents also available at, Electronic Privacy Information Center,* In re Twitter Order Pursuant to 2703(d)*, available at https://www.
  • In re § 2703(d) Order (2011) 830 F. Supp. 2d 114 (US District Court, Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division) (November 10, 2011).
  • Irwin Toy v. Quebec [1989] 1 S.C.R. 927 (Canada).
  • James Raj Arokiasamy v Public Prosecutor [2014] 2 SLR 307 (“James Raj”) (Singapore, States Courts).
  • Lauri Love v. the Government of the United States of America [2018] EWHC 172, see vusa.pdf.
  • (2006) File reference 1 Ss 319/05, March 22, 2006 (Germany, Higher Regional Court, Frankfurt am Main).
  • Lion Laboratories v Evans, [1985] QB 526.
  • McAuliffe v The Queen [1995] 183 CLR 108.
  • *McCabe v British American Tobacco Services Limited *[2002] VSC 73.
  • Microsoft Corporation v. John Does 1027 (Feb. 22, 2010) United States District Court for the State of Victoria, Civil Action 1:10 cv 156 (LMB/JFA).
  • Microsoft Corporation v. Newport Internet Marketing Corporation Does 2-20 (2005) No. 03-2-12648-9 SEA (United States, King County Superior Court Seattle, Washington).
  • Lavigne v. Ontario Public Service Employees Union [1991] 2 S.C.R. 211.
  • Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium v. Canada (Minister of Justice) [2000] 2 S.C.R. 1120.
  • Paracha v. Obama (2011) No. 04-2022 (PLF) (April 29, 2011) (US District Court for the District of Columbia). Case:[1]. Petitioner’s (Paracha’s) emergency application: Respondents’ (Obama et al.’s) response:
  • Regan Gerard Gilmour v Director of Public Prosecutions (Commonwealth) [1996] NSWSC 55.
  • R v. Caffrey (2006).
  • R v Christopher Weatherhead, Ashley Rhodes, Peter Gibson, and Jake Birchall (January 24, 2013) (United Kingdom, Southwark Crown Court in London).
  • R v Cleary, Davis, Al-Bassam and Ackroyd (May 16 and 24, 2013) (United Kingdom Southwark Crown Court in London).
  • R v Glen Steven Mangham (February 17, 2012) (United Kingdom, Southwark Crown Court in London).
  • R v Glen Steven Mangham Court of Appeal [2012] EWCA Crim 973 (April 4, 2012) (England and Wales Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)), see
  • R v. Keegstra [1990] 3 S.C.R. 697.
  • R v National Post [2010] 1 SCR 477.
  • R v. Sharpe [2001] 1 S.C.R. 45.
  • R v Stevens [1999] NSWCCA 69.
  • R v Walker [2008] NZHC 1114.
  • R v. Zundel [1992] 2 S.C.R. 731.
  • Rocket v. Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario [1990] 2 S.C.R. 232 (Canada).
  • R.W.D.S.U. v. Dolphin Delivery Ltd. [1986] 2. S.C.R. 573.
  • Salter v DPP [2008] NSWSC 1325.
  • Sierra Corporate Design Inc. v. David Ritz (2007) File No. op-05-C-01660 (United States, District Court, County of Cass, State of North Dakota). See
  • Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada v Bell Canada [2012] 2 SCR 326.
  • Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. v. Connectix Corporation (2000) 203 F. 3d 596, Ninth Circuit.
  • Soyke v R [2016] NSWCCA 112 (June 10, 2016).
  • Specht v. Netscape Communications Corp. (2002) 306 F. 3d 17, Court of Appeals, Second Circuit.
  • State of Israel v. Anat Kamm (2010) Case 17959-01-10 (Israel, District Court of Tel Aviv Jaffa). See aspx?ID=275114.
  • Théberge v. Galerie d’Art du Petit Champlain [2002] 2 S.C.R. 336.
  • U.F.C.W., Local 1518 v. Kmart Canada Ltd. [1999] 2 S.C.R. 1083.
  • United States of America v. Aaron Swartz, 1:11-cr-10260 (US District Court for the District of Massachusetts).
  • United States of America v. Bradley Manning E., PFC (2013) (United States, Army Military District of Washington).
  • United States of America v. Daniel Spitler and Andrew Alan Escher Auernheimer, Mag. No. 11-4022 (CCC) (United States, District of New Jersey). Criminal Complaint, available at,%20Daniel%20et%20al.%20Complaint.pdf.
  • United States of America v. Dennis Collins, et al (2011), No. CR 11-00471 DLJ (United States District Court, Northern District of California, San Jose Division). For indictment, see
  • United States of America v. Ford, 765 F.2d 1088, 1090 (11th Cir.1985).
  • United States of America v. Gorshkov (2001) WL 1024026 (United States, Western District Washington).
  • United States of America v. Jarrett (2003) 338 F. 3d 339, No. 02-4953 (July 29, 2003) (United States, Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit). See http://scholar.
  • United States of America v. Jeremy Hammond (2013) 12 Cr. 185 (LAP) (United States District Court of Southern District of New York). Case, available at Free Jeremy (website), legal documents: including Sentencing Letter by Jeremy Hammond.
  • United States of America v Kevin George Poe (2011) CR 11 01166 (United States, District Court for the Central District of California).
  • United States of America v. Kretsinger (2:11-cr-00848) (US Central District of California (Los Angeles)).
  • United States of America v. Lauri Love (US District Court for the District of New Jersey), see
  • United States of America v. Raynaldo Rivera, CR No. 12-798-JAK (US District Court for the Central District of California). Plea agreement:
  • United States of America v. Steiger (2003) 318 F. 3d 1039, Nos. 01-15788, 01-16100 and 01-16269 (January 14, 2003) (United States, Court of Appeals 11th Circuit). See 5611821785646747519.
  • *Zitierung: BVerfG, 1 BvR 370/07 vom 27.2.2008, Absatz-Nr. *(1–333), see


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  • Atkin, T. et al.* Information Security Management Handbook*. CRC Press, 2006.
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  • Barton, P., and Yegneswaran, V. “An Inside Look at Botnets.” In Somesh, J., Maughan, D., Song, D., and Wang, C. (eds.), Malware Detection. New York: Springer, 2007.
  • Bentham, J. Panopticon, in Miran Bozovic (ed.), The Panopticon Writings. London: Verso, 1995), 29-95.
  • Blount, S. Electronic Contracts: Principles for the Common Law. Australia: Reed International Books, 2009.
  • Bowrey, K. Law & Internet Cultures. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • Brenner, S. W. Law in an Era of “Smart” Technology. Oxford University Press, 2007.
  • Brown, A. J. Whistleblowing in the Australian Public Sector: Enhancing the theory and practice of internal witness management in public sector organisations. ANU Press, Canberra. Available at whistleblowing/mobile_devices/index.html, accessed February 10, 2014.
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  • Grabosky, P. Electronic Crime. Prentice Hall, 2007.
  • Harris, S., Harper, A., Eagle, C., and Ness, J. Grey Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker’s Handbook. McGraw Hill, 2008.
  • Himanen, P. The Hacker Ethic: and the Spirit of the Information Age. Random House, 2001.
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  • Levy, S. Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution. New York: Doubleday, 1984.
  • Levy, A. Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government—Saving Privacy in the Digital Age. Viking, 2001.
  • Libicki, M. Conquest in Cyberspace: National Security and Information Warfare. Cambridge, 2007.
  • Li, Z., Liao, Q., and Striegel, A. Botnet Economics: Uncertainty Matters. Springer, 2009.
  • Ludwig, M. The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses, 2nd ed. American Eagle, 1998.
  • Lynch, A., and Williams, G. What Price Security? UNSW Press, 2006.
  • Malcom, J. Multi-Stakeholder Governance and the Internet Governance Forum. Termium Press, 2008.
  • Matswshyn, A. (ed.). Harboring Data: Information Security, Law, and the Corporation. Stanford University Press, 2009.
  • Maurushat, A. “Australia.”* In Freedom on the Internet: A Global Assessment of Internet and Digital Media,* Cook S. (ed.). New York: Freedom House, 2011.
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  • Mueller, M. Ruling the Root: Internet Governance and the Taming of Cyberspace. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002.
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  • Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English, 4th ed. Oxford University Press, 2009.
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Journal Articles

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Appendix: Interview Questions

Question 1: Has there been an erosion of a common hacker ethos or has the ethos merely evolved into many different sets of ethics?

Question 2: In your experience with hackers, does the law offer a deterrent?

Question 3: Based on your experience interviewing hackers, what are their perceptions of the illegality of their activity?

**Question 4: **What types of hacking activity would you consider“ethical”?

Question 5: Should ethical hacking be exempt from cybercrime provisions, and if so what kinds of ethical hacking?

Question 6: Do you equate some forms of ethical hacking as the electronic equivalent of civil disobedience (sit-ins, protests) and if so, should the current civil disobedience framework apply to the online setting?

**Question 7: **Is there a need for security research exemption in cybercrime provisions (unauthorised access)?

Question 8: Is there a need for a public interest exemption in cybercrime provisions (unauthorised access)?

Question 9: Is there any advice in general that you wish to impart to those engaged in ethical hacking?

Question 10: Is there any advice in general that you wish to impart to governments and organisations in dealing with ethical hacking?

About the Cover Image and the Artist

Serendipity brought scholarly publishing and cutting-edge art production together when we discovered the work of Phillip David Stearns.

A Brooklyn-based artist, Stearns has worked at the crossroads of technology and creativity, developing, among others, a project entitled Glitch Textiles, which explored the intersection of digital art and textile design.

A search for an original visual translation of the hidden digital world inhabited by hackers led us to Fragmented Memory: a work of art in which data, software and—stunningly—jacquard woven cotton merge into “hypothetical forms of portraiture,” to cite the artist.

“Since 2012,” Stearns said, “if anything, I’ve been seduced by the aesthetics of the algorithm.” With the author Alana Maurushat being a self-described ethical hacker and the artist developing a series of“Ethical Hacking workshops for non-technical people,” Fragmented Memory seemed to us the only possible cover image for this volume.

Law, Technology and Media

Edited by Michael Geist

The Law, Technology and Media series explores emerging technology law issues with an emphasis on a Canadian perspective. It is the first University of Ottawa Press series to be fully published under an open access licence.

Previous titles in this collection Derek McKee, Finn Makela, and Teresa Scassa (eds.), Law and the“Sharing Economy”: Regulating Online Market Platforms, 2018.

Karim Benyekhlef, Jane Bailey, Jacquelyn Burkell, and Fabien Gélinas (eds.), eAccess to Justice, 2016.

Jane Bailey, and Valerie Steeves (eds.), eGirls, eCitizens, 2015.

Michael Geist (ed.),* Law, Privacy and Surveillance In Canada in the PostSnowden Era, 2015.*

Michael Geist (ed.),* The Copyright Pentalogy: How the Supreme Court of Canada Shook the Foundations of Canadian Copyright Law, 2013.*

  • How will governments and courts protect civil liberties in this new era of hacktivism? Ethical Hacking discusses the attendant moral and legal issues. The first part of the 21st century will likely go down in history as the era when ethical hackers opened governments and the line of transparency moved by force. One need only read the motto“we open governments” on the Twitter page for Wikileaks to gain a sense of the sea change that has occurred.

    Ethical hacking is the non-violent use of a technology in pursuit of a cause—political or otherwise—which is often legally and morally ambiguous. Hacktivists believe in two general but spirited principles: respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression and personal privacy; and the responsibility of government to be open, transparent and fully accountable to the public.

    How courts and governments will deal with hacking attempts which operate in a grey zone of the law and where diferent ethical views collide remains to be seen. What is undisputed is that Ethical Hacking presents a fundamental discussion of key societal questions.

“Many ethical hacking incidents are closely tied to the protection of human rights and the promotion of an open, transparent democracy.”

Alana Maurushat is Professor of Cybersecurity and Behaviour at Western Syndney University. She is also on the Board of Directors for the cybercrime investigation firm IFW Global.
